Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. St Athan Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the health and welfare of children and we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We strive to ensure that consistent and effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at our school.
Designated Child Protection Officer - Mrs Haynes, Headteacher Mrs Davies, Deputy Headteacher
Deputy Child Protection Officer - Mrs P Broomfield, Mrs K ChiplinSafeguarding Governor - Mrs Laing
Please see link to our Safeguarding and child protection policy
Please see link to access the Wales Safeguarding Procedures
Other policies available from the school office on request:
- Mental Health and wellbeing policy
- School safeguarding and Anti bullying policy
- Safe touch policy
- policy for physical intervention
- Pupil behaviour and relationship policy
- Policy for the use of timeout.
- EWC code of professional conduct policy
Internet Safety
Please have a look at our Internet safety page for advice and information.
E-Safety Rules
Dear Parents
Responsible Use of the Internet
The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. A world has opened up which offers many positive opportunities.
Children start using computers from a very early age and are increasingly using the Internet more and more whether it is at home, in school, on their mobile phones or on a games console. With this in mind, Internet Safety and knowing how to help protect children and young people online is essential.
Our Internet access is supplied by Vale of Glamorgan County Council and it has a built in filtering system that restricts access to sites containing inappropriate content. As an additional measure of protection, we have ensured that all of our computers are in public view and normally an adult is present to supervise.
No system is perfect, however, and you should be aware that it is not possible to entirely remove the risk of finding unsuitable material. We have been asked by the LEA to inform you of the rules which the children are expected to follow to help with our precautions. Early indications are that the children benefit enormously from this facility and are using it very responsibly already.
I would ask you to look through these rules and discuss them with your child.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Haynes
Head Teacher
Children in School have signed a copy of our online Safety Rules
Children wishing to use the Internet must first sign to say that they have read and understood this agreement.
1. I will always ask the teacher before I use the Internet and will be sensible whenever I use it.
2. I will only use the Internet for schoolwork and homework and will only use the sites my teacher has told me about.
3. I will not give my name, address or telephone number to anyone on the Internet and I will tell the teacher if anyone asks me for my name, address or telephone number.
4. I will never agree to meet someone I have spoken to on the Internet.
5. I will not download programs or bring programs on disc or CD Rom from home into school.
The NSPCC have produced excellent guides to e-safety concerns for parents. Click on links to view printable guides.